Study Leave
Educational opportunities...
How much study leave?
Is there a budget?
Health Education England states that you are allowed up to 30 days of study leave per training year, for full-time trainees.
This may be taken on a day release or half day release basis. Study leave cannot be carried over to the next year. The 30 days stipulated is the maximum time allowed but is not entitlement. Study leave will only be allowed if your Directorate agrees that your work commitment is covered.
The GP VTS thursday afternoon training sessions count as half day study leave, so bear this in mind when calculating your remaining allowance.
The study budget is unlimited, as long as you are applying for a pre-approved course or an aspirational course which has been approved.
What are the types of study leave?
Pre-approved Courses
Health Education England has created pre-approved a list of courses for each training specialty, and for GP trainees in hospital placements, it has formed a list of 20 pre-aproved courses. A pre-approved course means that study leave will still need to be requested and approved by your rota coordinator, however you do not need further approval from the Head of School to be reimbursed the cost of the course. These courses are covered by the study budget.
Click on the "Pre-approved Courses" document to find a comprehensive list of all courses for GP trainees in hospitals.
Aspirational Courses
Any course which is not listed on the "Pre-approved Courses" list are called aspirational courses. These courses are not covered by study budget, and there is a cap of £1000 for aspirational events.
If you wish to apply for financial support towards the costs of a course that does not appear on the "Pre-approved Courses" list, then the following steps must be taken, in order:
Discuss and get approval from your Educational Supervisor, to make sure you have achieved your required curriculum and competencies to support your application.
Contact your Training Programme Director (Jamil, Manish or Aurora) for approval with information regarding the course and the justification for attending.
The Training Programme Directors will then review the request and if approved send to your Head of School (HoS) for final approval.
Trainees should not make a financial commitment to a course or event until they have received confirmation from the Head of School of the amount of support allocated to a claim.
Click on the document "Aspirational Leave" by Health Education England which outlines the process step-by-step.
Private Study Leave
Private study leave should normally be taken immediately prior to an examination. A maximum of 7 days, including a weekend, may be granted but it is not an entitlement. Private study leave will fall within the overall maximum allowance of 30 days per annum.
How do I apply?
HOSPITAL Trainees - Fill the "Application for Study Leave (Hospital)" with the relevant signatures and return it to at least 4 weeks prior to the course. Attach the receipt and the certificate. Claims will be added to the spreadsheet upon proof of attendance.
PSYCH HOSPITAL trainees - Apply via the CNWL online portal. Please contact Layth Humsi if any queries -
Trainees in GP Practice (ST1-3) - Fill the "Application for Study Leave (GP)". with the relevant signatures and submit via E-Expenses, with relevant receipt and certificate of attendance. All the info is on the study leave form. Click here for the E-Expenses Guide.
More information?
Read the Study Leave Guidance for GPs provided by Health Education England and Study Leave FAQ's on their website.